Monday, October 19, 2009

Man Bites Dog and other reasons I walk this beat

Traveling is the cleanest drug I know.  It acts on the hardwiring of our species, since we first migrated out of Africa. The rush is intense, it floods and challenges all your senses and your intellect. It is easy to share it with others and encouraged. The longer you use it, the more expansive your world is, naturally. From space you realize that this blue marble is fragile and unique so not to see the marvels that litter the globe is a shame, only worse is the current impact from this activity.

While traveling allows people to see what needs to be done to help everyone live a better future, it also casts a large shadow of carbon with air travel. The dialogue has just begun and much of what constitutes 'green travel or eco-tourism' is just green washing. Travelers want to know more and the media outlets need to here from all the stake holders. Come fly with me as we attempt to give traveling a future.


  1. lyrical with an incredible picture!

  2. I am curious about the ethical issues behind travel and sustainability. Yes, it is bad environmentally to fly halfway around the world. But socially, it increases the web that we call humanity. How do we as humans wrestle the ethical demon that is Travel? As we become more global AND more sustainability aware, how do we combine those? Which overrules?

    Very excited to follow this blog.
